Thanks to the thousands of research participants who volunteered for the Jackson Heart Study nearly 20 years ago, the longest continuous study of heart disease in African-Americans remains vibrant today. To celebrate the study's renewal, JHS investigators met with community members to discuss the study's future and to reaffirm their shared commitment to “rigorous, replicable, and responsible” research.
It’s impossible to sum up the ways Dr. Arthur C. Guyton and his wife, Ruth, continue to make an impact on the lives of others, especially on those closest to them. As parents, they brought into the world 10 children, 10 physicians and memories beyond number.
Sydney Mead is at her happiest playing the drums, but the beat of her heart has been cared for since infancy by Children’s of Mississippi staff. The $180 million pediatric expansion now under construction will be the new home of the Children’s Heart Center, meaning children like Sydney will see better facilities and improved care.
Several interesting events are scheduled for the upcoming weeks at the Medical Center.
Medical Center leadership is proud to announce the following additions to its faculty and leadership staff.